Parents or guardians of children who attend Amherst Christian Academy Day Care are responsible for the safety of their children and to raise them in an environment that is nurturing and meets the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social needs of their children. Parents or guardians and caregivers of Amherst Christian Academy Day Care work together as a team giving the children the support they need.

Health Care Policies
We follow New York State guidelines for immunizations. Immunization records are required on the first day of day care. Please keep your child home if in the event he or she has the following symptoms of sickness:
Fever (100.1 or higher)
Cough that persists
Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
Head lice
Unknown rashes
Please contact us for the most recent Covid-19 guidelines.
Your child may return to the program when:​
He or she is symptom free without medication for 24 hours before returning
Children are not allowed to carry medication with them. Any medication, prescription or over the counter (i.e. –Tylenol, Advil, Sinus Medications, Inhalers), must be brought to the day care by the parent or guardian and administered by Office of Children and Family Services approved personnel. Written permission from the doctor and the parent or guardian are required for administration of prescription or over the counter medications and must be in the child’s files. These medication forms are available at the day care office.
Parents or guardians are responsible to sign their child in and out each day. If a child will be absent, notify the day care prior to the time the child is scheduled to arrive. Please be on time with day care fees pertaining to the contract signed prior to enrolling your child in the day care program. Also, please notify the staff of any medical concerns or dietary changes that may occur.

Supply List
Parents or guardians are asked to provide the day care with enough diapers or pull ups and wipes (if needed) for the week, an extra change of clothing, a special toy or blanket for security, and a diaper bag or backpack.

Vacation and/or Sick Time Policy
Should a parent or guardian know that a child will be absent due to vacation the parent or guardian is required to inform the day care staff two weeks prior to the child being absent. This allows for proper staffing.
Should a child be absent due to illness, the parent or guardian is to notify the office as soon as possible to allow for proper staffing.

Parent Notification of Illness, Accidents, Serious Incidents and Injuries
Should parents or guardians need to be notified if their child is ill or has been injured, Amherst Christian Academy Day Care staff will contact the parent or guardian with a phone call as well as a message through Brightwheel. Any accidents at the day care are reported to the parents and a written report is prepared and kept on file. If a child needs medical attention or is sick, the parents or guardians will be called to pick up their child.
Child Behavior Management Plan
Staff of Amherst Christian Academy Day Care are here to support each child with the loving guidance that they need. It is never our policy to embarrass or humiliate the child when giving correction. Staff uses the following methods to encourage positive behavior in the child:
- Redirect. In a conflict, give an alternate toy or activity to one of the children competing for the toy. Have multiples of popular toys.
Focus on "Do" rather than "Don’t." For example, "We walk inside" instead of "Stop running inside.”
Offer choices: "You can either sit on the rug or at the table for story time.”
Encourage children to use friendly words rather than physical acts. For example, suggest using the phrase, "I was playing with that toy.”
Praise positive behavior. "Thank you for using your words.”
Model desired behaviors for the children to learn by example.
Arrange the program space to positively impact children’s behavior. For example, avoid large open spaces that might encourage children to run indoors.
Listen to the children and respond to their needs proactively to achieve their goals. Keeping the children engaged with activities helps prevent conflict.
Children are to wear comfortable clothing and that is appropriate for outdoor wear.
Children are to wear comfortable closed toe shoes at all times for adequate protection especially during outside play. Flip-flops, open toed sandals, and Crocks are prohibited as the can be a safety hazard.
Child Dress
Emergency & Safety Procedures
In the event of an emergency, parents or guardians will be notified first with a phone call followed by a text message using an app known as Brightwheel.
Fire Drill
Each month the day care will conduct a fire drill during various hours of day care operation practicing various routes of egress to ensure that all routes are familiar.
Day care staff will also hold two shelter-in-place drills annually to practice the procedures for the safety of children and staff.
Parents or guardians will be notified in advance via Brightwheel and/or a letter to make them aware in advance that emergency drills will be practiced.
Child Supervision Policy
This policy is to ensure the safety of all children while attending Amherst Christian Academy Day Care.
Procedures that will ensure competent supervision of children in care at all times:
Doors to the building are locked at all times and anyone who desires to enter must press the buzzer and give their name before permitting to enter.
When children arrive, the parent or guardian is to sign their name, date, and time at which the child is dropped off. Parents or guardians are also to include on the attendance sheet who will be picking the child up that day. Each time the parent or guardian picks the child up from the classroom, the parent or guardian signs the child out by writing their name, date, and time at which the child is picked up. Photo ID is to be shown each time a parent or guardian picks the child up. The name on the ID must match the name on the attendance sheet specifying the person who will be picking the child up.
If a child is absent, the parent or guardian is to call the day care to confirm that the child will not be attending for that day. The staff member is to mark that the child is absent along with the staff member’s initials stating that the staff member communicated with the parent or guardian.
Each child is to have an emergency form LDSS-0792 filled out by a parent or guardian listing the child’s name, date of birth, home address, emergency contact numbers in the event the parent or guardian cannot be reached, any allergies or health concerns that child may have, and any medications that the child may be on or need to take.
Rest times are to be supervised in the classroom. If a child has difficulty resting, the child may look at a book quietly on their mat while resting, or the child may play quietly at the table with a staff member.
If in the event the child is not picked up as stated, a staff member will call the parent or guardian scheduled to pick the child up that day. Whenever a parent or guardian is to be called for any reason, it is always our duty to inform the parent or guardian that the child is safe, what activity the child will participate in, and what room the child will be in while waiting to be picked up.
If the staff member cannot get a hold of the parent or guardian that is scheduled to pick the child up, the staff member will go down the list of approved, emergency contacts that are listed on the child’s emergency card until an adult is contacted to pick the child up.
Groups of children will not be mixed together to use outdoor play areas, exercise areas, gym rooms, or other common areas of the center unless the space is large enough to accommodate multiple groups which must be kept separate.
Children under three years of age may not participate in mixed age groups except for limited periods of time at the beginning and end of the child day care center's daily operation.
Food Service Arrangements
Meal Location
Children are to eat all meals and snacks in the Fellowship Hall or classroom with an approved Office of Children & Family Services Staff member.
Meal Prep
​Breakfast, lunch, a morning snack, and an afternoon snack will be prepared on site and provided each day at scheduled times unless parents or guardians provide the meals and/or snacks for their child.
​Meals and snacks will be posted weekly and will consist of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein.
** Parents or guardians are to inform the day care center if their child has any food allergies or dietary restrictions.